Reply from mae, Age 14 - 11/20/05 - IP#: bigbb-c57671 ... I wanted to see what this website was, to see what was making her so upset, and all that this website has done is make me even sadder. I hate this whole society for what it does to people's self-esteem and body image. I saw all these posts by girls just absolutely beating themselves up because they don't have Jennifer Aniston bodies, and it just made me want to cry. OK, so anyways, here's what I've got to say: you may have heard this before and not believed it, but please believe it because it is true. If you're gonna lose weight, lose weight to be healthy, not to try to be popular, or to get a boyfriend, or to look like some actress that you see in movies. I know when so many pressures are telling you to be paper-thin, it's hard to realize that what they are saying is BS. But it is BS. Here's the truth about guys, if that's what you want to know: some guys legitimately find girls who are 5'6 and 105 pounds attractive. But a lot of guys--myself included--don't. The thing is, a whole lot of guys are scared to do what feels natural to them and date bigger girls. But you shouldn't want to date those guys anyways, because if they can't face up to jerks, they're just losers anyways. But on the same token, it's not fun to date a girl who'se not confident about her body, as I just learned tonight. And that leads me to the old cliche: if you respect yourself, people will respect you. I know it sounds silly, but it's true. If your schools are anything like mine, there are some 'popular' girls who nevertheless are fat. I've known several girls like that, and I even dated one last year. We broke up because she found someone she liked more than me, and never once did she not believe me when I told her she was sexy. If some jerk came up to her and made fun of her, she just told them, "wow, you sure are a nice person," or something like that. If they kept at it, she just kept saying it until they quit it. She had the confidence to know that they were jerks, and that there was no reason to care about what they had to say. Anyways, I know this has been quite a rant, but I really hope it helps some of you to lighten up, and to realize that when you say that no guys find you attractive, that's undoubtedly not true, and that when people make fun of you, they're just jerks. And the people that don't make fun of you, no matter how embarrassing any situation is, those people are your true friends. In summary, respect yourself! Not that I'm saying stop trying to lose weight, but realize that your doing it for your health only (and honestly, even if you're 250 pounds, you're teenagers, you're not gonna keel over and die of a heart attack if your diet fails), and don't beat yourself up if you're not losing weight quickly enough, or if you splurge one day (oftentimes, beating yourself up causes you to splurge, and a bad spiral results... this won't happen if you keep things in perspective). Gosh, this whole experience has been so saddening for me. (and sorry this is wayyy long) But I hope I can help. |