From so sweet chik - 05/30/02 - IP#: go to original board
best way to loss weight...write down everything you eat i mean looking at what u wrote down and takeing the time to write it should remind you that your on a diet :)
From Sammie, Age 13 - 05/15/02 - IP#: go to original board
I have just started my diet... but i am 150 now and need to loose 50 pounds. Im trying to eat healtheyer, and starting with cutting out the snacks and junk food. Eatting a helthey lunch, and for dinner not eatting as much. 8 :00 snack i want to get rid of but its hard so im gragually giving it up well thats all.. OH WAIT i forgot.. im keeping a journal too about how much i eat and what i did and stuff like that! i hope it works :-/
From Jessica, Age 12 - 03/06/02 - IP#: hide message replied to go to original board
I know a great way to loose those extra pounds. First set a goal, you may have read this alot but this is VERY important. Second, you stop eating greasy foods and pop. Instead try carrots and light dip. One of the most important steps is exercise. You CANNOT loose wait by just dieting. Try 10 situps 3 times a day to start then start doing more gradually, so you don't strain yourself. Go for a 30 minute walk a day, if you have a dog then you could take him/her along. For those of you who just cannot stop craving food (like me) I have some great tips, try strong toothpaste. None of that kiddy stuff. I use arm and hammer. Strong mouthwash help aslo. Gum works for some but not all people, so stick with mouthwash. Whenever you think 'What's the point of this? Its going to take forever and I don't think it will work' just take a look at yourself and think of being skinnier. NEVER NEVER !!NEVER!! starve yourself! Good Luck and remember, you are doing this for yourself ONLY for yourself!
Reply From Jessica, Age 12 - 03/06/02 - IP#: show message replied to go to original board
Also, keep a record of what you eat and make sure you are gettting the recomended food servings. Remember this cannot happen over night! Good Luck!
From Chris, Age 14 - 04/02/01 - IP#: hide message replied to go to original board 5,6 and 136lbs. I started a diet about 4 weeks ago and have only lost 3 pounds since. I need to lose weight FASTER!!!! I wanted to lose 15 pounds in 10 weeks...and at this rate im not gunna make it 'till summer! NOTHING WORKS!!!! I hear people talking about losing 2 pounds a week just by eating healthier! I do that AND exercise and its not helping at all!!!! HELP ME!!!!
Reply From Annie, Age 12 - 04/05/01 show message replied to go to original board
Chris, I lost two pounds a week when I first started my diet and then it slowed down to a pound a week. Here is how I did it. I wrote down everything I ate and me and my mum counted the calories and then stuck to 1100 calories for the first few weeks and then 1200. It doesn't sound like a lot but I do have a slow metabolism. I didn't feel tired because I was eating healthier. Also watch the fat content. Some foods are low in calories but high in fat. This diet is very boring at first but you soon get used to the routine and it worked for me. I eat more fruit and drink more water so I actually feel fuller. In 3 months I have now lost 22 pounds and now the weight loss has slowed to about half a pound a week, which is fine because I am now at my goal weight. Good luck.
From Chris, Age 14 - 03/05/01 - IP#: hide message replied to go to original board
Hello, my name is Chris, I am 13, 5'6 and weight 140 lbs.I am not exesivly overweight, but I have (and I assume)i very high body fat percentage. I draw this conclusion because I have round, fat, childish cheeks, and through my research, I have found that people get fat cheeks when they run out of places to store fat.My cheeks give me a very childish complextion, and it can be very frustrating at times. My goal is 125 lbs, and i want to reach it in ten weeks. I have extremly good self control when it comes to food, and I'm hoping that in conjunction with 1 hour work outs per week day, I can reach my goal even sooner! I will remain optomistic as long as I can remain focused on my goal of 125 in ten weeks...but I need the help of people like you to help me stay focused an to give me advice on matters such as these...If you have any advice on how I can lose weight quickly, and efficaintly , please enlighten me with it!!!Chris
Reply From Annie, Age 12 - 03/11/01 show message replied to go to original board
Chris, I lost 20 pounds in about 10 weeks just by counting calories and fat. Me and my mum decided on a set amount of calories every day and stuck to it, with the odd day off for family occasions etc. I ate Weight Watcher's foods, extra fruit and veg and soups. We found low calorie pizza, pasta, lollies. We had to write everything down to keep a count but I don't feel like I have been dieting because I am still eating the food that I like but lower fat. Drink more water as well and try and exercise more, like you are doing. Also, be very patient. Best to lose the weight slowly. Good luck.