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Reply From Luisa, Age 13 - 08/22/01   show message replied to go to original board
i'm sorry but u can't do anything for her she has to do it for herself tell her mum to get a doctor or something they can help because i used to be on the way to anerecsic 3 years ago
u have to convince her to stop!
hope u can help ur friend

Reply From candy, Age 13 - 08/09/01   show message replied to go to original board
listen to your doctor...

Reply From maggie, Age 12 - 08/08/01   show message replied to go to original board
Talk to your doctor and see what he/she has to say.

Reply From maggie, Age 12 - 08/07/01   show message replied to go to original board
Consult with your doctor and he or she can recommend you different things to do. Your doctor can write you out an eating plan and an exercise plan. But remember you can do it if you keep trying! Good luck!

Reply From Robby, Age 13 - 06/26/01   show message replied to go to original board
Yo girl...You are way underweight and I think you need some help from your doctor. Your almost 6' and are barely 100 lbs.

Reply From Dustin, Age 13 - 06/20/01   show message replied to go to original board
I know how you feel. I went to the doctor once weighing 132 pounds. About four months later I got sick, but I tried to keep from going to the doctor because I had gained about 18 pounds. I've always been overweight, so he didn't say much, just that I need to start exercising more. Don't be afraid to go see your doctor. Maybe he can help you take off that extra weight.