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Reply From Lau, Age 15 - 12/09/02 - IP#: 151.203.144.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Craig, for guys, being fit is a very deal, and girls love it! im not going to lie. the first thing i would advise you to do, is get yourself involved in school. play sports, do clubs ANYTHING that will get you away from places that you eat. i see alot of guys in my school that stay after and work out in the weight room together for hours at a time, i think its great.. the thing about that is you can't workout then go home and eat or else ull find yourself gaining more weight. also, dont let yourself get down if u find u gain 5 pounds or more building muscle because muscle weighs more than fat. and DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT go crazy eattin if you give up one day, because i know i do that alot. i hope this helps

Reply From Michelle, Age 14 - 04/25/02 - IP#: 63.173.85.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
In between meals keep yourself busy by taking a walk, playing basketball, or cleaning your room. That way you won't eat, and you'll burn more calories, and you'll sleep better at night because you will be more tired. Good luck!

Reply From Jessica, Age 14 - 03/27/02 - IP#: 64.12.106.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I know how you feel Nicola. I am too gaining 2-3 pounds a week due to stress. This is what I think you should do, everyone is different, so this might not work. But, Try going on a walk with your mom every day. You can talk and share your problems with her while you walk. It will be a great way to get to know her better, and a great way to exersise. If you need to talk about your problems, or just want a friend e-mail me at SpikeZeppelin@aol.com Okies??

Reply From Katy, Age 16 - 10/14/01 - IP#: 134.71.67.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Hey Adam,
If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much. You probably haven't hit your main growth spurt yet. Most boys don't really grow until they get into high school, usually between the 9th and 10th grades, especially if your parents are taller than you. Also, when you want to snack, you should try to snack on low fat foods and things like apples and carrots. I think that you should ask your parents to let you do something like join Boy Scouts, go skating, or join a bowling league. Never think that you can't be active because you are fat, because I have been fat my entire life and I have been playing sports for just as long. Just try to be more active so that you are focusing on things other than food.
PS, tv and the computer are good, but you do that while you are sitting. Try to get some kind of activity going that gets you out of the house and moving around. Oh yeah, call around and see if your hometown has a swim team that you cam join...that might be good.

Reply From catherine, Age 15 - 08/22/01   show message replied to go to original board
when Im hungry I go for a walk. If Im not in the house I cant eat. Ive been doing it alot recently. Its great because its also exercise so Im losing weight.

Reply From Christine, Age 14 - 08/17/01   show message replied to go to original board
I know it's hard...but here's a tip that REALLY helped me (I had to loose 45lbs because of a med. condition that I have. Try chewing sugar-free gum whenever your hungry...keep LOTS around, in differant flavors...it feels and tastes like your eating candy...but u'r really doing something good for yourself...also try doing sit-up's and leg lifts while you watch TV, all these things help...and they'r kinda fun and easy, too. Another thing, don't give up!! If you need any more help write me at AAASportyChic151@hotmail.com.
Good Luck, Christine