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From Come On, Age 17 - 07/22/02 - IP#: 208.61.143.xxx  go to original board
Ok, i have heard people on this board, talking about it doesnt matter if your overweight, as long as your happy. I somewhat agree with this, and somewhat disagree. I think that if you are happy, then fine, you are happy, but did you know that if you are even the slightest big overweight, you increase your chances dramatically to contract type 2 diabetes, which is mostly assosciated with being overweight, and eating/drinking too many sodas, and sugar. Plus you get higher chances of getting cardiovascualr disease, and contacting other incurable diseases, just because you are 15-20 lbs overweight. 5 lbs makes the diference. I am happy that some of you are happy with the way you are, and you probably were told by your parents that its the person inside that counts, and that no matter what you look like, or how much you weigh you are still beautiful, well, beauty is in the eye of the... (view more)

Reply From Camille, Age 14 - 07/15/02 - IP#: 63.78.42.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Even though this question was for Krissy, I'd like to answer it. :p Ok, running is only bad on your knees if you run excessively or you run on a sidewalk. Running on grass or a rubber track is a lot better on your knees.

Reply From clare, Age 17 - 07/04/02 - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
It is perfectly okay to exercise before puberty as everyone needs some form of exercise. However exercising too much isn't healthy as it can prevent you from growing properly and have damage on your health later in life. But doing everything in moderation is fine.

Reply From Rachel, Age 16 - 07/03/02 - IP#: 216.154.11.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
what your dad said is not true. it is better to start exercising when you are young. it doesn't affect your puberty. execrise actually decreases the cramp you get when you are having period.

Reply From Giovanna, Age 14 - 06/26/02 - IP#: 152.163.206.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Loosing weight in itself won't help to improve your complexion. However, since you will be changing your eating habits in order to loose weight, I wood assume that you're eating healthier meals. Healtheir meals and snacks can improve your complexion. But above all, keeping your skin clean, taking care of your body and loving yourself are the best tools for a "beautiful" appearance.

Reply From Michelle, Age 14 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 63.168.31.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
You should eat more than 1000 calories because if you eat less than 1250 calories a day, your body will go into starvation mode which can lead to problems such as fainting and making your metabolism slow down. I suggest eating 1400 calories at a minimum so you don't injure your body nutriotional wise, make sure to get enough calcium and iron and stuff like that, or you'll be paying for it a few years down the road.

From Michelle, Age 14 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 63.168.31.xxx  go to original board
I don't want to sound like anybody's mother, but I can't stress enough to get good nutrition. I've read about some athletes such as runners and people who do gymnastics and in those sports, being the thinnest you can be means the better job you can do performing. These athletes don't eat properly, instead they take the easy way and eat all the low calorie drinks and stuff to make themselves skinny, or even worse, they don't eat at all and become anorexic, or they might even turn bulimic. Too bad to burst all your guys' bubble who believe you can get off on 500 calories a day, which is what some of them do, and in their mid 20's, you heard me right BETWEEN 20 and 25 they develope osteoperosis, cronic back pains, and fastly degrading immune systems because they didn't get the proper nutrition. Now, if you want to be super skinny right now and pay for it the rest of your life, go ahead, but... (view more)

Reply From Chica, Age 15 - 11/15/01 - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
that is one of the WORST things you could POSSIBLY do.
sorry for sounding all serious, but ur period could stop, muslces wear away, get serious infections in your stomach, some girls have even died from intense overuse of them, don't do it.

From Ariel, Age 15 - 08/22/01 - IP#: 206.103.255.xxx  go to original board
Listen up everybody! My mom told me something that she saw yesterday that she saw on the news. There were some athletes that were really talented at what they did. They starved themselves, and now they have curvature of the spin. Their bodies used their spines to get some energy. Can you imagine having osteoporosis at twenty-something? Don't do it. Eat right and exercise. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=) GOD BLESS!!! =)