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Reply From Heather, Age 15 - 09/30/11 - IP#: 75.100.203.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
for drinks, you could have koolaid. its not so bad for you at all! and you could try to make a dish wth chicken breast, chicken breast is really healthy, just be careful how you prepare it, putting fattening things on it makes it unhealthy! good luck, and happy bithday!! (:

Reply From Sophs, Age 17 - 12/21/09 - IP#: 92.21.33.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
i have that same problem i drink like 3 or 4 cans of coke a day i just cant seem to swap it for something else !! ive tried hiding it but a glass of coke seems so much more appetizin than a glass of water. a couple of my friends suggested using a decorative glass or put like umbrellas and that in it to make it look more 'inviting' haha not sure how far that would work. good luck :) xxx

Reply From Sophs, Age 17 - 12/21/09 - IP#: 92.21.33.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
i have that same problem i drink like 3 or 4 cans of coke a day i just cant seem to swap it for something else !! ive tried hiding it but a glass of coke seems so much more appetizin than a glass of water. a couple of my friends suggested using a decorative glass or put like umbrellas and that in it to make it look more 'inviting' haha not sure how far that would work. good luck :) xxx

Reply From Jess, Age 16 - 08/16/09 - IP#: 71.17.34.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
When I go out to eat, I usually weigh my options.. First I narrow it down to the things I'd like to eat, then I choose the healthiest of those things. If it's a huge portion, you can always get some wrapped up to take home.
Fruit juices, smoothies, tea and chocolate milk are better options than soda, but a lot of restaurants have huge glasses, so try to only drink about a cup of beverage. (about the size of your fist)

From Jessica, Age 16 - 02/05/05 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  go to original board
Heres a great tip drink a cup of water befor every meal and then eat youll be half way full so you wont overeat youll be to full to over eat trust me it works

From kendra, Age 16 - 10/12/04 - IP#: 172.154.51.xxx  go to original board
well its been about 5 days since i posted on this site. i went from 185 to 179 but i still have a lot to lose. here's a tip for anyone who needs it: when you get hungry for a snack, try pickles which have 25 calories each or sunflower seeds which are about 180 for a whole pack. these snacks are better than regular snacks.

From Grace, Age 15 - 08/22/04 - IP#: 24.62.199.xxx  go to original board
Hey guys!I just wanted to share a recipe for an awesome salad. I eat it all the time for lunch or supper.The first thing to do is take about 4-5 large leaves of lettuce, stack them, and cut them into inch-long strips. Then take either one big carrot, or several baby carrots and grate them on a small-holed cheese grater.Then, add tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, any other veges you want. The final touch is a tiny big of bacon bits (only a tiny pinch), about 7 Pepperidge Farm (they are small) croutons, and one teaspoon of McCormick Salad Toppings. The best part is that I don't even use dressing on it. That cuts alot of calories, making it even healthier.Good luck!

From mee, Age 15 - 06/30/04 - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx  go to original board
Here's a really yummy recipie!! Get a tall, fun glass and mix in non fat yogurt, blueberries(or any other kind of fruit, strawberries, bananas, rasberries, anythin) and total cerial. Viola! You hav a yummy, healthy snack or meal.

From Speaks, Age 15 - 03/12/04 - IP#: 24.14.141.xxx  go to original board
GOOD MORNING everyone! Hungry? Go eat some popcorn! Seriously. Popcorn when popped is acutually healthy. If you get the 94% fat free kind, the whole bag of popcorn is only 30 calories! It tasted pretty darn good too! So stick with popcorn. Have a great day!

From Amanda, Age 17 - 01/13/04 - IP#: 66.94.208.xxx  go to original board
Hey! I was wondering, what do you guys normally eat for breakfeast? I am trying to decide. I used to eat just a piece of plain toast, but I still get hungry. I also heard, if you don't eat the right stuff while you're dieting, you'll still be hungry all of the time. I looked on the foodnetwork.com and they have alot of recipes for people who are trying to lose weight.

From Mel H, Age 15 - 12/31/03 - IP#: 195.166.131.xxx  go to original board
if u all, like me, sometimes get really bad sugar cravings dont go straight for the chocolate, make up some sugar free jelly! it has only like 20 cals! and thats for ALOT of it! also lollypops have only like 20 cals each! and low cal hot chocalate is really good too!

Reply From Mel H, Age 15 - 12/28/03 - IP#: 195.166.131.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
wen u get hungry, drink a glass of water or DIET coke.
then wait for at least 20mins to see if u r still hungry! coz alot of the time when u think u r hungry, u r really just thirsty!

Reply From Arianna, Age 15 - 12/23/03 - IP#: 24.14.155.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Well you could you try making snacks from fruit like frit smoothies ,fruit cabobs, theres so many snack ideas out there you should look online for fruit snack ideas.

Reply From charlotte, Age 17 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 68.165.42.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
The negative calorie diet consists primarily of fruits and vegetables which have a low calorie content and it is assumed that it takes more energy for you to digest them than they contain. I don't think this is true however the foods involved are healthly and good for you too but you should have a little protein as well because your body will lose essential nutrients such as iron that are not available in the neg. cal. foods. Here's a website with some more information: http://www.webterrace.com/negative/index.htm

From Mel Hayward, Age 15 - 11/27/03 - IP#: 81.174.207.xxx  go to original board
Hello everyone! how r u all 2day? i have decieded to eat loads of veggies today! any body got any good recipes for veggies? i love carrot and corriander soup! mmmmm....P.s im a vegetarian