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From Kate, Age 18 - 05/15/04 - IP#: 66.82.9.xxx  go to original board
What motivates you to lose weight? I want to:
1) take extra pressure off my bad knee
2) feel good about my body
and admittedly
3) look good in fashionable clothes

Reply From Jenna, Age 19 - 08/21/03 - IP#: 63.186.40.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
That's your motivation right there girl!!!
you said you wanted to look diff. for you family!!! the answer/motivation is staring at you in your face. i wish you the best of luck.

Reply From Renee, Age 18 - 06/12/03 - IP#: 146.82.213.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Put up reminders on your cabinets (Such as quotes or pictures) that remind you that you're trying to lose weight. That way, every time you head to the kitchen, you'll see them and you'll be less tempted to eat. You could also keep a bottle of water with you. Every time you get a craving, take a drink of water.

Reply From Renee, Age 18 - 06/12/03 - IP#: 146.82.213.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Put up reminders on your cabinets (Such as quotes or pictures) that remind you that you're trying to lose weight. That way, every time you head to the kitchen, you'll see them and you'll be less tempted to eat. You could also keep a bottle of water with you. Every time you get a craving, take a drink of water.

From Jenna, Age 19 - 06/01/03 - IP#: 63.186.40.xxx  go to original board
Ht. 5'5", Today: 200 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 140 lb - FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO NEED ENCOURGEMENT STRENGTH AND MOTIVATION...Whatever you do don't lose weight for the wrong reasons.i am about 200 hundred pound and i'm 5'5 and i'm going on a diet to lose 50-60 pounds. But i'm doing it for me and for my health. Don't lose it to get a guy or a girl. You will still be you when you lose weight you'll be in a smaller body. and if people can't see how good you are with a few extra pounds they're not worth it and can't see how good of a person you are without the extra pounds.i'm going on a low carb low cal diet. and my boyfriend told me that i was beautiful just the way i am and he's happy with my at my size because of the kind of person i am. so it's obvious i'm not doing it for him. i'm doing it for me for my health and for my future. if you're a beatiful person on the inside that's all you need. that special someone will find their way to you.

From miss Sarah, Age 22 - 12/31/02 - IP#: 208.169.41.xxx  go to original board
Here's what helps me loose weight.Each week I try to go without eating something (french fries, chips, soda, chocolate, etc). And if I succeed for one week I reward myself with something that's not food (like hair thingys). and if I go another week I award myself with something bigger, and so on. I can honestly say I haven't a potato chip in 6 months (they make me sick just by looking at them). I am going to award myself with a pedicure this weekend if I succeed (which I know I will). So if you have a junk food you can't quit eating this may be a good way.Take CareSarah