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Reply From Ally13, Age 23 - 02/07/11 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I agree with Marina. You've already taken the first step towards becoming a healthier you so congratulations on that =).
It's hard to break a habit, especially one as enjoyable as eating. I remember at my heaviest, I'd eat and then feel bad about myself so I'd eat some more ....and then feel worse ...and the cycle kept going on and on. It's a really tough spot to get yourself out of, but that's when you have to pull every ounce of strength you have from yourself and just do it.
I was 204 lbs. exactly 2 years ago. I hated looking in the mirror and seeing what I'd done to myself (not just physically, but mentally as well). Finally, I looked at myself and decided that I would never again feel that way about myself - disgust and hatred. I had to accept myself, as I was, rolls and all, and that's when it clicked for me to lose weight. I wasn't doing it because that's what society ... (view more)

Reply From Joanne, Age 19 - 11/08/02 - IP#: 207.231.98.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I just happened to be browsing through this board, not planning on responding to anyone but your message grabbed me. I was overweight in high school, but I have lost some weight now. I know what is like to be down in the slumms but don't ever hate yourself. You can be unhappy with your appearance but that does not mean you are not a great person. You just have to put this "hate" that you have into motivation. You probally sit there and get depressed about it and eat more.... You have to take that depression and start walking. Then you will build up to do other things and lose weight in the mean time. Cut out the junk food, eat smaller portions, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water (this is so great for you) and stay physically active. You will lose weight, gain self confidence, and overall feel better. It is never to late to start the rest of your life!!! Good Luck to you!