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From John, child's age 14 Hi everybody. I am really concerned about my daughter Lilly. Until about 12 years old, she was so thin and gorgeous. My parents would absolutely shower her with complements. She did belly dancing and looked so good! Then, she got her first period and it all went downhill. I would notice that she would take second helpings at dinner and she was always in the kitchen snacking. I encouraged her, since she was skinny and food is good for growing children. It wasnt bad, either, stuff like nuts and yogurt (we dont keep real junk in the house). A year go or so, when she was thirteen, I took my whole family on a cruise, and I was really surprised when I saw my daughter in a swimsuit. Her once tight abs had been completely covered by a small belly that would hang a little over her bikini. Her chest also grew considerably and her legs were much bigger than before. My wife noticed too but we agreed it was normal for girls to gain weight during this time. During the cruise, I was even more shocked how much she ate. She would eat 4,5 or six plates of food in one meal. She gained some weight during the cruise for sure. When we would go to our cabin after dinner I could tell that she was trying desperately to button her jeans but her bloated belly would not let her. After the cruise, I had a talk with her about the importance of health and she looked like she understood. I showed her some pictures and she was herself surprised how much weight she had gain. She went from a sliom 83pounds to a chubby 124 for her 5'3-5;4 frame. I though it would all be ok. Things only got worse. She was eating all the time. She dropped out of her swim team because she was too big. When she would sie her belly would literally bulge out of her pants. She weighs now about 260 pounds. She cries a lot about her weight looking at the girl she once was. When she tries to wear "Sexy clothes" Her chest and belly are just to big. During dinner one evening, her shirt literraly ripped in two. Her belly was simply enormous. It looked so unhealthy. My son is very lean and he tries to get her active, but nothing works. I was shocked how fat she looked. I miss my thin girl that wanted to be a model. She still exercises a lot but its hard for her. My wife and I both work so we cant stop her from snacking. She always complains that she does not have a boyfriend. I want my daughter to be lean and fit and have a boyfriend. What should I do?? |