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From greatweightlossplan, Age 12

Ht. 4'6", Start: 198 lb, Today: 198 lb, Goal: 87 lb - food tips: 1. pick carrots and ranch dip, or slad with dressing. tip: the serving size on the back of the dressing bottle is equal to about a cap ful of dressing. so try eating less than that if possible, don't drown your greens in salad dressing. 2. eat celery and salt, or celery and peanut buter instad of cookies. 3. lay off the bread products! try this for a week. 4. for lunch, try chicken and salad, low oil soup, no cafeteria lunch, just lunch from home, and or, try veggies any way you can! 5. lay off too much meat. try asking about becoming a vegetarian, but you have to plan out your diet so you still get all the nutrients for your body and don't get sick. 6. when hungry, think healthy. 7. look online. find out how many calories a person your age and gender are supposed to be eating. try to eat that much or less. 8. eat breakfast! also, do not skip lunch, or binge!