Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From lauren, Age 13 Hey, I'm 13, 5'9", and way 190lbs. I was so skinny whne I wa slittle but then a couple of years ago I started gaining sooo much wieght. I wanna lose like 40 lbs but any wieght amount would be ok. I already drink alot of water and excerise about 4-5 hours a week, If anyone knows any diets that really work well or excercises that work please e-mail me at , shprchic123@aol.com, thx |