From Lauren, Age 12 - 03/20/11 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 140 lb, Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 110 lb - Hey everyone(: im lauren! As you all know.. Im an overweight preteen. I need help. I feel terrible about myself. I have low self confidence because of my body. What makes it all worse is that i have lots and lots of friends who are skin and bones. Its not fair. Im comparison i look like an elephant. My goal weight is 110. I was 110 in 5th grade. Im currently 140. Yes, i know 30 pounds in 2 years. Thats alot. Im not proud of it. So i need some support and any tips that you guys have. It is greatly appreciated. We can all reach our goal if we work together<3 of course i need somewhere to start do any weight loss tips and meal plans that have worked for yall would be amazing! Thanks alot. lauren(:
Reply from Isabelle X, Age 12 - 07/29/11  - IP#:
Hey lauren(: im isabelle! As you know Im going to help you as i know and now you knwo im overweight preteen. I need help 2. I feel terrible about myself. I have low self confidence because of my body. but i alway say if you feel overweight then you prodderly are but i agree it alway makes it all worse is that you have lots and lots of friends who are skin and bones. you are alot like me but i do have a boyfriend that loves me for who i am and a best friend that weights aa stone light but i do know a boy who is my age and weighs 11.00 Its not alway fair but still i bet you are butufal in the iside and there is a lovely bufferfly waiting to come out you have gust got to wait. now in sure you don't look like an elephant i bet you are graceful as a fether. your goal weight is 110.but it you where itn once you can be again currently 10.10 stone. Yes, i know a lot Im not proud of it. So we need some help and i will give you some It sounds like you really want to make a now it's time to take some steps toward that goal. To start off, you should pick a very short term goal, like losing 1 pound by the end of this week. Now, you need to decide what you're going to do to lose that pound. Pick something realistic that you will be able to stick to. I usually suggest cutting out soda & juice & drinking only water. It's a quick & easy way to cut out a lot of calories & water helps to cleanse your system & speed up your meatbolism. As for exercise, I usually suggest to just start walking. No need to tell yourself you're going to start running 3 miles just doesn't work that way, you won't do it. Start by walking for 30 minutes everyday. As you get better & used to it, you'll naturally want to start walking longer & faster. Another easy change to make is to pick the healthy option of things you're already eating - if you use 2% milk, switch to skim...if you eat chips, switch to baked, if you eat ice cream, switch to frozen yogurt. Ideally, you'll eventually like to cut down on all of those items but for now, making those changes WILL allow for weight loss. The most important thing is to really remember how badly you want this, because in the end, that is what is going to get you through the entire process. & one final tip, avoid unnecessary snacking. When you feel like snacking for no reason other than boredom...find something else to do! If you want a snack NOW, just wait. Say you'll have it later & do something else in the meantime. You'll find that you end up forgetting about it completely & realize that you don't really need it or want it.
thanks hope this helps a lots
here's mine e-mail if you would like
to know more
good luck
XX Isabelle XX
Reply from Leanne, Age 11 - 04/04/11  - IP#:
Im going through the same thing ad you!!! Im here for you girl!