From Lola, Age 10 - 01/08/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'7", Start: 9 st 2, Today: 9 st 2, Goal: 6 st 0 - Hi I found this site and I hope someone can help me. I am overweight and i have felt overweight since about 3 years old when my aunt said something bad about me and i realisied that I was fat. At school they call me fatty. one girl said an elephant would look like an ant compared to me. I don't cry in front of them but it hurts inside when they say bad things about me and call me names. I am horrible and discusting. i felt fat in my new clothes at chistmasand I don't like anyone to see me eating. One day I was wearing a dress that was too tight around my tummy and i heard my dad say to my mum is that all her? and he said he hadn't known how big i was getting and that my mum shuld make me loose weight. i REALY wish i could loose weight and be skinny.I am too embarrased to tell anyone but i know they all think i am fat and discusting. Lola  (Note: 9 st 2 is 128 lb.)
Reply from lauren, Age 10 - 08/27/08  - IP#:
nah,it isnt so bad, jus excersis more
Reply from blake, Age 12 - 02/21/08  - IP#:
will u please text back and explane how 9 stone 2 is 128
Reply from any, Age 11 - 02/08/08  - IP#:
LOLA.What up girl you should not wear clothes that make you feel fat.You should not think your fat instead think positive and I know you think that how would I know but believe me I know. Just exercise and eat haelthy and believe me it's worth it. You will start gaining weight but it's not fat it's muscle. You'll look great just wait.
Reply from Megan, Age 16 - 01/13/08  - IP#:
You are already beautiful even if people say mean things. But if you feel unhappy and think losing weight is going to make you happier then just try and eat better and go be more active. Talk to your parents too and ask if maybe they can keep only healthy foods around so snacking wont be a problem! You can do it!! It's better to get going now while you're young so you don't have to feel this way all of your life. Good luck
Reply from Bree, Age 13 - 01/10/08  - IP#:
I know how you feel.people make fun of me everyday. sometimes you just gotta ignore it.
Reply from ??? - 01/09/08  - IP#:
I bet there is nothing wrong with you. So your a little bit overweight, big deal. I am but I try not to let it bother me even though it does. You are not alone, always remember that as you try to lose weight. I bet you are a pretty young girl really!
Hope this helps you a bit!