From fattie, Age 12 - 04/20/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hi i am 12 years old a privite school student and probably one of the fattest kids in our class. i way over 141 pounds and can't fit in my old school pants. my mom still thinks i am 119 pounds i am afaride to tell her because she ways probably only 5 pounds more than me!!!!!!!!!! i seem to gain a pound a week! what can i do to lose wate?
Reply from Emma, Age 12 - 04/28/05  - IP#:
Nikki Email me at
Reply from Emma, Age 12 - 04/20/05  - IP#:
Here are some things that can help. If you eat sweets every day or drink soda then you need to either not have as many sweets like maybe 2-3 a week or just go cold turkey. Another thing is that you need excersise go on walks with your friends or with your mom or something. You could also try doing some sit-ups every day. Please e-mail me at