From Caroline, Age 12 - 06/28/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey, I'm 5'2 and weigh 135 pounds {"at risk", w/e, its close enough, about 2% more and BAND, i'd be over}. I'm working out somewhat.. but its not working. neither is the food-healthy-ness. I'm a very picky eater. Can someone please tell me and describe how to lose 35 pounds in about 2/3 weeks, i have a huge concert coming up and I must look my best for the band {I've got a backstage pass}. I'm turning 13 in 3 months, so yeah. <3 I really hate being big. I'm a size 9 pants, and I'd like to be a 5-ish, and I'd really like to wear skimpy tops, and not all my bulky band shirts. Also, i'd like to look in the mirror and not have to avoid looking at my fat, chubby, stomach and thighs. Grr. Okay, please help! I cant do anything outside, really bad weather, too hot, pools been closed due to bacteria, and its an unsafe area. Thanks. Oh, and dont give me any of that #%$! about "its unhealthy" "you cant do it" "not safe" etc etc. I'd like HELP, not DISCOURAGEMENT! Thanks, again.