From Teresa, Age 15 - 11/27/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'6", Wt. 220 - HELLLLLO! Okay so i weighed myself today and I am offically at my highest ever..The end of the last year school I did homeschooling and I had lost almost 20 lbs. i was down to 195ish and now i'm up to I find it so hard to lose weight latley..I don't have my gym membership anymore.. When i stay with my mom all she has is sodas and junk food and is a great cook but usually makes foods with lots of fats and sugars.. I'm staying with my dad for this week and he just had a kidney transplant so he has to be careful of what he soda at all..lots of fruits and i should do better here..but i dont have any excersize. he's here all day and it's small so not much i can do..and it's starting to get cold..i have my bike and i may start riding it someplaces but my town isnt that big so... i also really want mario DDR for christmas..does anyone know if they even still sell that? All the sucess stories on here and weight watchers has motivated me so much along with the fact that i had lost 25 lbs in the past..any advice?? please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Isabella (Izzy), Age 13 - 11/28/06 - IP#: Oh and CLaire's right. I know what it fels like to be in denial, but you can try to do smome gymn stuff at home.
Reply from Isabella (Izzy), Age 13 - 11/28/06 - IP#: Get The Diet for Teenagers ONly. I'm preaching it becuase it's EVRYTHING you need ot know about exercise, your body, food, servings, and motviation! It's like a BIBLE!!!! BUY IT!!!!
Reply from Claire, Age 17 - 11/28/06 - IP#: 220 is your highest weight and don't make it go higher! you seem determined to lose weight. Discipline yourself, tell your mom(tell! don't even ask because this is about your health) to pack the house with good foods that are low in the bad fats and high in protein and good carbs. Tell her to elimate the soda with diet soda and elimate the junk food with fruits . If you tell her to make this change it would be better for everyone in the house just as it will for you! "I find it so hard to lose weight latley..I don't have my gym membership anymore.. " Teresa!!! don't say thattt, surely a gym membership isn't what kept you losing weight and even if it was and you don't have it can't rely on it. You must rely on yourself! the things you did in Gym, do it at home. Pushups, situps, jumping jacks, stretching, put on loud music and lock yourself in your room for an hour and dance your head off! (it's fun and it's great cardio!), be creative..remember exercising is just MOVING and being active so when you're at home start walking around the house...since it's getting colder walk around the house, going in every don't need the equipment to lose weight, don't think that equipment is the only way to lose weight. I didn't have equipment, I did everything at home and ate right and I lost a lot of weight. Although now I have a treadmill, dumbbells and an exercise ball, I don't use them as much as I should. Use your inner strength to make up exercises that you can do at home. You've lost 25 lbs in the past, so you KNOW the feeling of losing's the best feeling ever and this time you will lose 25 + lbs, I know you will! with little modifications you can be healthier. Also, I want a DDR too! it looks so fun and it seems like a great way to burn calories, hopefully you get it:) I hope this advice helped. GOOD LUCK!!! :)
Reply from Orcy, Age 15 - 11/28/06 - IP#: try to talk to your mom about buying more fruits and veggies. I'm sure she'll understand you want to get healthy and be willing to buy some fruits, veggies, etc for you to have =)