From Jeimi, Age 16 - 09/29/07 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'2", Start: Burgos lb, Current: 230 lb, Goal: 170 lb - hey everyone. ok so i haven't bine on for like 2 weeks i've bine really bussy latley and haven't even bine paying attention to my doet so i gained 5 pounds i feel so bad. i really don't know what 2 do anymore i thought that it would be easier because of skool but it the same i just can't stop eating i mean i haven't bine eating as much as b4 but still alot. i lost 40 pounds once and i just don't understnad why i can't do it agian well i'll try and hopefully i won't fail just wanted to let all the frustration out good luck every1. ooo and go black team on the beiggest loser i no what not getting picked feels like
Reply from Whitney, Age 18 - 10/01/07 - IP#: I have the worst problem eating too much too. What helps me is I sit down and just write down a list of things I can do besides eating like reading, running, working on hw, turning up the stereo and dancing around my room, just stuff like that and when I feel like eating I just get out the list and pick one and preoccupy myself. Good luck, maybe it will work for u too!