From Motivated, Age 19 - 06/13/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 215 lb, Today: 206 lb, Goal: 150 lb - ergh. i gained a pound. i know i was horrible the day before yesterday- but i was beyond amazing yesterday. i'm just sooo angry. i really wanted to be 204-203 by sunday, and i really don't think i'll be losing 3lbs in two days. i'm so angry and disappointed and just feel like a fat loser failure... i just don't know what to do. if i eat anywhere near the 2000calorie mark- BAM i gain like freaking crazy! why is that? is my metabolism that slow? that's ridiculous. it really shouldn't be. i went to this site where i entered my measurements and weight and it told me i had 150+lbs of lean muscle and only 50 something lbs of fat. SO WHY DOES 2000 calories- something i would assume the average woman could eat without gaining like crazy= cause me to put on so much ertjihSLKSHZILTRHDTSU WEIGHT????????!?
Reply from Jessica, Age 22 - 06/13/08  - IP#:
Don't do a fast... it will just make you gain when you start eating again. You just need to not weigh yourself for a week. Realize you will lose inches sometimes instead of pounds. I go through this too where I don't lose or gain a pound or two for no reason because I do everything right. Your body is used to be fat... maybe it's just trying to hang on... don't let it! You keep doing what you are doing and believe me it will happen!
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 06/13/08  - IP#:
MOtivated---I know what you mean! I just feel like if I starve myself once and for all, I'll finally see it go down and I know it's RIDICULOUS! but when my brain is this frustrated and angry, it thinks about EVERY possible weigh to lose weight even the worst...even if I'm not going to do it, I think it about it a lot, you know what I mean? :(
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 06/13/08  - IP#:
yeah- i've been eating an average of 1300 calories, sometimes more, sometimes less. i try to mix it up so my body doesn't get used to it. i also bike or walk to work and back which is 6-7miles almsot 4-5 days a week, plus other exercises and weight lifting. i also am trying to sty away from junk and eat a lot of fruits and veggies and protein...i don't get why i still fail. i better weigh less tomorrow or i'm thinking of doing something horriblw like afast or something to FORCE my body to lose weight...
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 06/13/08  - IP#:
I know! I gained a pound too! ONE bad day can't possibly do thatttt so I don't understand!:( I've been doing so good. It's not fairrr! I sound like a whiny little idiot but it's just frustrating. I know how you feel. I think I'm going to post a big vent on here now lol
Reply from jacquie, Age 18 - 06/13/08  - IP#:
it's ok first breath and think of what you are doing. two you could gain some water weight it happens to everyone.... dont worry i gain a few here and there from it. three 2000 is the avreage that they say a person should eat in a day to keep there weight steady... now if you were eating less then 2000 cals before it makes since that if you ate 2000 cals now you would gain weight.. most people who are tring to lost weight eat between 1200-1500 cals. so think about that and look for some diffrent work outs or if your not working out you should try finding something.