From Leah, Age 18 - 07/22/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 228 lb, Today: 206 lb, Goal: 150 lb - I was on a diet. lost 25 pounds. and then it just kind of stopped working. and then i stopped it all together. and it sucks. its been a month since i stoped and about 7 pounds came back or whatever.
Being fat is horrible and im sick of it.
for so many reasons im sick of it.
and one of the most is romantically.
i cant feel comfortable with someone, even if they are happy and comfortable with me.
it just sucks balls.
Reply from Claire, Age 19 - 07/22/08  - IP#:
I know how you feel! I'm not just saying that...I REALLY know how you feel! I lost like 55...and gained freakin 18 back and trust me it feels like a slap in the face after all my hard work but I'm controlling it now, trying my bestest and you should too. I know you can just don't be down about it and work hard to lose what you gained and more! good luck!
Reply from Motivated, Age 19 - 07/22/08  - IP#:
stop gaining before you ruin everything you've worked for! I wish someone had told me that after i started gaining back the 30lbs i lost and then 40 more on top! just get your butt in gear and do it! you know you can! you know it's in your power!
Reply from ellie, Age 15 - 07/22/08  - IP#:
yeah ive had the same thing but i was practically starving myself so it was bound to happen. what diet was it? what was the basic plan of it?
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 07/22/08  - IP#:
i know exactly how you feel. i have a boyfriend ive been with for 2 and a half years, and i weighed 225lbs when i first started dating him, and i felt so unattractive. and now, at 170lbs i still feel like i dont understand why he finds me attractive. maybe it will all go away one more weight is lost, but until then ill never know. its hard to be comfortable with someone when you arent comfortable with yourself.