From Catharine, Age 16 - 05/29/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 159 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 130 lb - Yay! Another pound gone! Yeah, I know it's probably just water weight since I'm just beginning to lose weight but still! It feels good :)
Today, probably could have been a little better so far, but the bad things I did eat I ate in really small portions. And I'm still going to go work out, lifting weights and running and what not. Wish me luck!
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 05/29/09  - IP#:
yeah me too i lost some water weight. which im very excited about =] i hope to lose at least 30 pounds by september. which is hard but i know if im mentally fit i can do it! i just need to motivate myself! i wish you tons of luck as well!!