From lisa, Age 15 - 05/31/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 272 lb, Today: 223 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - I finally lost some more.Bye-Bye plateau!!Well yesterday i ate a tuna salad(260)with red wine vinaigrette(80)and water from Subway.Then later on I had some unsalted straight from the farmers market peanuts,and later i had to eat a corn tortilla(the crunchy kind)with some cheese on it cause my dad found out i didnt eat much the day before....all i had was a small vanilla shake(i was going to a graduation and was rushed with limited options).Well im not gonna eat after 5:30 and im gonna start excersising atleast 5 out of 7 days a week so i can look good when we come bak to school.Ohh,and today so far all i've had is Sunchips(210) because later im gonna go eat chinese with my family (its buffett so i usually get two plates of vegtables and shrimp,usually medium portions).From what you just read,how much do you think i can lose by august?Thanks for reading&&please comment.
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 06/01/09  - IP#:
How am i starving myself?
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/31/09  - IP#:
your sister is probably jealous. dont listen to her, youre doing awesome. but try to eat a little more :)
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 05/31/09  - IP#:
you're starving yourself to lose weight. not smart at all. you'll gain it all back in the end.
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 05/31/09  - IP#:
I hate my sister.Period and point blank.She went on this huge happy blablabla rant cause she lost 4 pounds.So she went from 287 to 284,eating bigmacs and super sized fries all the way.And then she proceded to tell me how she could eat whatever she wanted and lose weight while i ate vegtables and fish all the time.So i asked her if the last time she weighed she had already ate and then she decided to push me about my weight saying that i probaly wasnt really 223 anyways so i had to go weigh in front of her 3 times and she took the highes weight of 225 and taunted me about it even though i've already ate sunchips and peanuts so my weight should have gone up a pound or two anyways.Ughhh.
Reply from Wendy, Age 20 - 05/31/09  - IP#:
you would lose more if you broke up what you ate into smaller meals you eat frequently throughout the day rather than not eating much and then eating one large meal. your blood sugar and energy levels would stay stable too.