From Justin, Age 16 - 06/01/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 290 lb, Today: 290 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 175 lb - ok everyone this is the fattest ive ever been- ive gained about 40 lbs in the past year, and its all fat because i havent gotten any taller. I used to be able to hide my gut with big clothes, but not anymore. I dont know what to do everytime i look down my belly keeps getting bigger
Reply from Ryan, Age 15 - 06/02/09  - IP#:
you know what you gotta do, dude.if you can't eat healthier,cut back your portions at mealtime..cut back on snacks.u gotta exerise too,even if its a long walk everyday.ive lost a lot of weight--i was over 300 pounds-- n its hard but u can do it.wanna talk in chat.msn or yahoo just lemme know.ill help motivate u or sumthing.peace