From stace, Age 18 - 06/02/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 181 lb, Today: 171 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 125 lb - HEY! I l0ST 10 P0UNDS (:. i dont know how i did it. its only been 4 days. Its probably water weight and the 30 day shred i've been on. i eat really well, like turkey/tuna sandwhiches, bannana smoothies (is that bad. like i get one bannana one cup of milk and bunch of ice cubes and blend it once a day?), and some rice. I use to eat like crazy before like big macs, olive garden, pat and oscars, pizza, california burrito. etc. now i feel so energized and more fresh. i know thats kinda corny but seriously! also my treadmill R0CKS. its worth the cash i put in (: well im really H0PING to lose 30 pounds by september 1st. i know i can do it! i just need to focus and stay motivated throughout this journey! i wish all of us luck!
Reply from stace2KRISTI, Age 18 - 06/04/09  - IP#:
THANKS kristi.. :)
and i know i wont lose that much weight but i can work my butt off and still get results and thats all that matters. :) wish you luck as well :)
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 06/04/09  - IP#:
first of all...let me say i totally believe you and that other girl is just jealous...every body is different i lost 8 pounds the first 5 days i changed my diet because i basically ate completly healthy and worked out 1.5 hours a day...i need to get back on my schedule...but anyways keep up the good work...dont get disapointed if you dont lose as much the 2nd 4 days....but congrats and i just wanted to let u does sound right because ive experienced that dramatic weight loss too!! good luck girl.
Reply from stace2DANCEDAMS., Age 18 - 07/03/09  - IP#:
LOL! you think i would lie about my weight loss? Pftt. thats just pure insanity! i would not do such thing! cuz im not going to cheat myself to get congrats from people i dont know! trust me i wouldnt lie. you also have to understand i use to eat literally big macs candy soft drinks pizza every SINGLE DAY! and i detoxed for one day and the next few days i would work out with the 30 day shred and then do the treadmill. trust me i have every right to lose that much weight cuz i worked my ass off. and i dont expect to lose that much weight again obviously.. you also have to keep in mind im not you we are all different and our body works differently
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 06/03/09  - IP#:
nvm. i just don't think the 10 pound thing is true...i mean, unless you ate like complete crap before, in which case...btw, i'm doing 30 day shred too. ^_^ i had to stop but, while my muscles settled down, i lost 3 pounds the first 10 days (eating crap, mind you, i was doing a production where there weren't many options)! I'm starting again on Monday.
Reply from stace2WENDY, Age 18 - 07/03/09  - IP#:
thank you! i hope i can do it even if i dont lose 30 pounds by september i will still be happy that i lost any weight to start off with! i know you can do it as well! i wish you the best!
Reply from stace2DANCEDam., Age 18 - 07/03/09  - IP#:
what do you mean that doesnt sound right? the bannana smoothie? or my weight loss.? i eat really healthy.. i dont starve myself and i exercise a lot. i guess it paid off. cant wait to see how much i lose by sunday..XD
Reply from Wendy, Age 20 - 06/03/09  - IP#:
you can do it!
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 06/03/09  - IP#:
hmm...i don't know if that sounds quite right...