From Amanda, Age 20 - 06/04/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 160 lb - okay so yesterday, i worked out 35 mins and had 1200 cals, and today i had 1200 and worked out 45 mins. i think i undid the damage i did the other day. i vowed not to weigh myself for 2 weeks because my period is on its merry way and i dont want the water weight to affect my state of mind lol i was going to measure myself this coming monday but i think ill wait a full month because measurements are usually smaller changes than the scale, unless ur doing lots of weight training. anyways hope everyones doing well. good luck!!!
Reply from stace, Age 18 - 06/05/09  - IP#:
STAY M0TIVATED! i know you can do it because you did it before. Wish you L0TS 0F LUCK! :)