From lisa, Age 15 - 06/06/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 272 lb, Today: 223 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 125 lb - Hey!Hows everyone doing?Me,im doing good.Well im not weighing for a day or two cause im on my "." and i cant wait to see those 2 or 3 pounds go bye bye like they do every month around that time.You know what i think is ahhh-mazing?Yoplait light.Those things are awesome.I've only had Key lime pie and boston creme pie flavor and i love both of them.I have a question to all you movie goers:I go to the movie theater every saturday,and sometimes on sundays too....but I know the popcorn is horrible for me,it taste great,and technically im aloud to have it on my specific diet,but its just not healthy.Any ideas on what i should do?A way to not eat it,or allow my self to have it?
Reply from Jocelyn, Age 17 - 06/06/09  - IP#:
hmm maybe you could buy the kids size of popcorn? or put some snacks in your purse and sneak them in. sometimes i do that and make myself a little trail mix with dried apricots, cheerios, a few chocolate chips, and other random things that are yummy and low cal