From lindsey, Age 13 - 06/06/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 185 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 135 lb - ayee. i haven't been on in months :o i've been doing really well at maintaining weight this past school year. but now that i'm out of school and it's the summer before high school that's gunna change. my mum has FINALLY decided to get our butts back into the gym, and i have volleyball practice two hours a day four times a week for five weeks before school. it's gunna be hard but i'm sure i can do it! that along with me just eating better will help me slim down, i think. i've been a vegetarian for about 4 months now and it DOESN'T help me lose any weight (i did it for the animals), which majorly sucks, but it cuts down on lots of fatty options. so if you're up to the challenge i suggest it (: so, tell me your plans? and helpful tips are welcome too lol. thankyouu!
Reply from chelsea, Age 18 - 06/07/09  - IP#:
congrats on becoming a veghead! i wish i started when i was your age, ive been a vegetarian for about 2 and half years and i feel so much better about myself for it . stick to it (;