From Katie, Age 15 - 06/07/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 227 lb, Today: 227 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 195 lb - My name is Katie and I weigh 227pounds and im 15....Im a sophmore in high school and i have been dealing with being overweight for 4 years.... I've tried to lose weight but i cant do anything to keep it off... I like to eat when im ticked or sad..... I eat even when im not hungry.... I have a lot of skinny friends none of them are Fat... I tend to be a mean person because i have been picked on for several years and it has made me angry and want to lash out on people.... i finally put my foot down to people calling me names....I dish out what they dish out to me but twice as hard....
I used to play sports i was good at them but most coachs didnt want to put me on the team bc i wasnt fast i gave up sports in the 7th grade.. But in the 9th grade i played softball...I lost 11 pounds from that.. then i gained some of it back then dropped back down to 227....Im just tired of being Fat...I have no one to support me because my dad is also fat and my mom just tells me to do sit ups everynight... If u try to talk to my freinds about things they dont understand..they say they do but i know they dont b/c they havent been through what i have...
I hate walking in to stores like american eagle and aeropostle because people look at me like why is the fat chick in here...she cant fit in any of are clothes....Have you ever looked at the size of that stuff in them stores they only carry 0-13 i mean thats ridiculus....My friends and I like to have some wild times...Like will Goof Off in front of people and then those people will stare at me and be like WOAH Fat girl makin her self look like a retard .... its just akward.....
So i have know idea what im going to do about losing weight i want to get down to atleast 195 by August if anyone has tips to lose 32 pounds please tell me..
Reply from Jenny, Age 15 - 06/21/09  - IP#:
Hi katie i no how you feel Its the same way with me to i weigh 216 my height is 5'5 in a half i can't stand being this way but im trying to lose weight all my friends are skinny and my family but all im trying to say is stick to your guns don't care about what others think just do you
Reply from kristel, Age 12 - 06/10/09  - IP#:
you can try 2 lose wait by jogging 2 times a week you mat also try to kut your meal in half, also be4 your meal drink a glass of water it will get you full alot faster.oh and don't lay down when your done eating it will builed up the food in your tummy.P.S HOPE THIS TIP WAZ OK 4 YOU.
Reply from Katie, Age 15 - 06/08/09  - IP#:
ok my email is ... so email me anytime
Reply from rachael, Age 17 - 06/07/09  - IP#:
hey katie. about a year ago i was exactly the same weight as you... but i joined weightwatchers and lost 60 ish pounds.. if you have any questions or want to be buddy's post on here and give me your email address.