From Jessica, Age 16 - 01/28/12 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 104 lb - Sorry girls I made a misstook as my dad likes to say!
I feel motaved being on here! Im so greatful that I did get to 200 pounds! I was half way once. But I said to myself enough is enough,I did this for my health and life. I want to look good in my clothes,and not get out of breth while trying to tie my shoese. My friend James is very support of! he understnads my stuggles with weight,I drink iced cold water in the summer ,but I am doing the same thing,also I got a BBQ to be going either mid June)July 2012. I want to look good in a swimsuit! I want to be in a girl's plus XL18-20 Jcpenny's or Sears. I can't wait to be in a size Juniours 3)4) once I reach 104 pounds by the time of my pinci for teen group thing. I will get a bunch of new clothes,I will reward myself a new dress! or swimsuit. I want a flat belly this so bad! What your goal weight for upcoming 5 mounths=June!! I want to be 108-104 !! I want to say that I did it!
Reply from Jessica, Age 16 - 01/30/12  - IP#:
I ment to say Im glad that I did not get to 200 pounds!
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 01/29/12  - IP#:
Thats great for motivation :) Keep up the great work, Jessica! I want to be 108 by June 1st! I live in AZ so its warm all year round which means I will have a good 3 months to be in a bikini!