From Lucy, Age 15 - 03/25/12 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 144 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - Ugh! I'm so upset! My brother is a nosey little prick who likes to go through my things. I usually log out of my account on the computer when I'm not on it because I know how annoying he can be, but today I forgot and the little a** looked through all my documents, one of them being my online food journal. Then the little prick has the audacity to come into the living room and try to get ME in trouble by saying "Wow, Lucy, you've eaten 9 cake pops?" HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!?? You're going to try to get me in trouble and make me feel bad when YOU were the one going through my stuff like some creep major?! He never minds his own buisness!! Of course my mom got mad at him, but this isnt the first time he's done that. He also likes to go into my room and go through my draws and read my stuff. And the thing is, I dont know WHAT he's read! I have a journal, and I have no idea if he's been through it! It's so frustrating, because it's not like he's 10 and doesnt uderstand privacy. He's 13! He has no boundaries and even though my mom yells at him, theres nothing she can really do, because she cant follow him everywhere or keep cameras around the house and she wont let me get a lock on my door! Of course I started crying because it's like I have no privacy! He said he was sorry but anyone could tell he didnt really care. My mom said I shouldnt cry in front of him because it just lets him know what gets to me, but how could I not? He's so nosey and at the same time mean. He knows I'm having body issues and he's trying to make me feel bad for my indulgences, as if I didn't feel bad already! Sometimes I think I seriously hate him. He makes it so easy too. How do you go through other peoples things? And how are you so stupid that you actually tell them you went through their things? I need advice! I don't know what to do anymore.
Reply from Lucy, Age 15 - 03/26/12  - IP#:
Thanks Maddie! And yeah, that's what i'm doing now, just ignoring him. I was really mad when I wrote that, I dont really hate him, but i'm just going to tstop talking to him till he understands that he cant do that anymore.
And that's so weird! I put my journal there too!(:
Reply from Maddie, Age 14 - 03/25/12  - IP#:
I know how you feel - I have 5 brothers, ages 20, 18, 17, 9, 6, so you can imagine the stuff I go through. ]
When my brother found my food journal a couple months back, he read it all out loud and showed everyone the drawings of what I want to look like after the weight loss. After that, I stuff my food journal and sketch book between my box spring and mattress and went for a bike ride to burn off my anger. I can be a violent person, given what I've been through in my life, but I realized I can't let it get to me. Just try to ignore him. Thats what I do.
Good luck :)