From Brionna, Age 16 - 03/22/14 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 190 lb, Today: 187 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 125 lb - Right when I start buying all this healthy food and decide this Monday is the day to really commit myself and start working out, my friend calls me and tells me about this new restaurant near by that sells only mac and cheese and grilled cheese.. they even put mac and cheese on a grilled cheese.... mac and cheese is probably one of my favorite things in the entire world..i want to cry now :( ugh whatever..OHH IDEA!!! when I met my first fitness goal I can go there and have tomato soup and grilled cheese with mac and cheese on it!! sounds good? or no? because I know you are not supposed to treat yourself with food but I mean idk... any advice?
Reply from catheirne, Age 2 - 03/25/14  - IP#:
and since you love it so much and it's craving you should DEFINITELY have a bit of it in MODERATION. otherwise you will just end up giving into it anyway and eat way too much and then feel disappointed that you didnt stick to your diet and give up. eat a little bit of mac, with veggies! or fruit! something heathy and you'll be fine, trust me, half a plate of mac, half a plate of fruit or veggies like yummy sweet carrots or delicious juicy bell peppers. give it a try!
Reply from catheirne, Age 2 - 03/25/14  - IP#:
i think its a good thing to help you reach your goal cause its something to look forward too. and don't just do it for the food, go out with your friend, make it an EXPERIENCE, something fun you can look forward to trying with your friend. one unhealthy meal is not going to keep you from your goals, as long as it's moderation, and as long as your exercising at least 30 minutes a day (somehow, walking, etc.) and eating healthy, proper amounts, you will be there in no time. and you'll feel a lot healthier and better too. GOOD LUCK :)
Reply from Brionna, Age 16 - 03/23/14  - IP#:
that's really good advice! thank you!!
Reply from Emmalia, Age 15 - 03/22/14  - IP#:
I would definitely say that if you want to go there and reward yourself..look up the nutritional facts on their food. It's all about portion control too. So when you go there split your meal in half and bring the rest home for a family member or something. You can have good yummy food its just all about portion control. If you learn how to measure your food and not over indulge in food you will loose weight even with eating mac n cheese or pizza or really whatever.