From Keri, Age 14 - 10/19/14 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 187 lb, Today: 166 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 125 lb - Hey guys, its been a while. So recently I've just gotten back on track but i havnt gained back any of the weight I've lost which is good. I have a new motivation to lose about 35+ pounds for spring break with my best friend, who is very tiny. There is nothing i want more than to go to the beach in a bikini and feel good about myself, but i need some help. does anyone have any food ideas about how to get more veggies into their day? i generally only eat 1 or two servings of them a day and i want to increase it. thanks guys, and if anyone needs any help with long term motivation just reply back and i can email or text you guys:) best of luck to all of you
Reply from samantha, Age 14 - 10/20/14  - IP#:
I need some motivation if you would like to email me you can email me at