From Jessica, Age 19 - 12/20/14 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3.7", Start: 162 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - I know Christmas is coming guys! its rough when we re trying to lose the unhealthy fat, no I'm addicted to food thank goodness, I'm addicted to my laptop, apple devices, nook usually needs n.w. charger, I 'h mirgrains for months to a point I couldn't sleep, one medcation didn't work now I'm on medcation, for my mirgrains, I deiced to stay away from milk chocolate, I can't handle one piece, its difficult for me to eat one piece I end up eating the whole thing, getting up late & sleeping late has made me gain w.t. the sitting around, has really me caused to gain w.t. I'm not a junk food fan., 115-118 my w.t. goals,
Merry Christmas guys!!
Reply from Sara, Age 25 - 12/20/14  - IP#:
Jessica, I also suffer from migraines and have been prescribed medication that helps a little bit. I hope that it has helped you because I know that dealing with that type of pain can certainly hider you when you would like to exercise! Have you had your eyes tested as well? Even if your eye sight is a little bit off it can affect you and cause migraines. Have you also tried drinking more water? Dehydration can be another culprit. Though, I have tried many things and I still suffer, it is always worth a try to do whatever you can to help yourself!