From Alex, Age 13 - 12/23/15 - IP#: Click here to reply Ht. 5'5", Start: 153 lb, Today: 181 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - I have an issue, I cannot button any of my brand new pants. I got one done and then sat down with my family and the button flew off!. What do I do?!?
Reply from Alex, Age 13 - 12/25/15 - IP#: Thanks Jessica
Reply from Jessica, Age 20 - 12/25/15 - IP#: Alex you re not alone, in this, its going to take a while to lose 28 lbs you can do it!!!, you can reach your goal of reaching 140 like 4-5 months working hard at it1, run keeper is an app, that has changelles, Christmas race 24-26th through tomorrow nite, you can do walking , slow pace,. small portions, yes portion control, drink lots of water,. I 'd buy a pair of jeans when the after Christmas sale starts, you 'll need a size 14 or 16 Misses's, or Women's, you re tall, I was 190 back in Oct, I was 179 back in Nov, I pro gained two lbs yes I will work it off,.