From kekeletso, Age 13 - 01/01/16 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 150 cm, Start: 65 kg, Today: 75 kg (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 50 kg - HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to thank all of u guys for supporting me even though we dont know each other and Jessica u were right shopping is fun and i should enjoy and not let my weight keep me from enjoying it.i have set a new goal- its a small goal,but it is a goal. i would like to lose 2kg which is about 4lbs(i guess) in a month...goodluck u guys may we all lose weight this year...BYE!! I am about to eat lunch right now (its 12:51 in SA ALSO KNOWN AS MZANSI (Note: 150 cm, 75 kg is 4'11", 165 lb.)