From Jessica, Age 20 - 01/07/16 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 163 lb (BMI: 29), Goal: 110 lb - I was 190, lbs last weekend of Oct 30, 2015, I lost twenty seven lbs since!! I can fit into some of my clothes again!! I know the holidays were difficult its a n.w. year u guys can start over! but adduction to that I been sick twice eight weeks apart, my O sister + brother in-law barley had any food not getting into to much detail, they made unwise choices with $$$.. that's all I'm going to say,. I'm almost back to a size 12 in my jeans, once I lose 9 lbs or more I 'll be wearing my Junior's size 11/12/ Jeans!!,. don't give up!!