From kekeletso, Age 14 - 09/07/16 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 155 cm, Start: 65 kg, Today: 80 kg (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 50 kg - Do you guys have any tips to stop eating bread or just reduce the amount of bread I eat  (Note: 155 cm, 80 kg is 5'1", 176 lb.)
Reply from Ethan, Age 17 - 09/14/16  - IP#:
Bread is actually important for survival, but try to eat only one slice a day, or try other alternatives, such as quinoa or rice with your meals. I love curry rice with either quinoa or rice, and it doesn't need any bread actually, because it's a grain.
Reply from Libby, Age 13 - 09/10/16  - IP#:
Let's say you eat 10 sandwiches a week...... Try and eat only 3-5 sandwiches, then cut it down after a month to maybe 1-3 sandwiches......