From mcooke, Age 14 - 02/28/17 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 13 st 2, Today: 13 st 1 (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 10 st 6 - have you got any tips on how to avoid over eating, also how can I improve on my daily food intake
breakfast:ham omelette with a slice of brown toast or 1.5 bowls of cornflakes
lunch:panini with ham, 2 chocolate rice cakes, 1 orange, pack of belvitas
dinner:big plate of chicken curry and white rice
snacks scone, 2 biscuits, a chocolate bar, cheese on toast
I do circuit training 2 hours per week, run 4 days a week for 40 mins each but my wobbly belly is a burden as I run
my waistline measure 40inches and is mostly fat hanging off my stomach , I weigh 183 pounds and my BMI is in the obese category
any ideas for healthy snacks and how to reduce my waist sized double chin and how wobbly my stomach is
thank you in advance  (Note: 13 st 1 is 183 lb.)
Reply from kekeletso, Age 14 - 03/09/17  - IP#:
i personally think that you are eating too many carbs trying invovling more veges and fruits because you arent eating any