From Mishaye, Age 15 - 05/07/18 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 263 lb, Today: 259 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 165 lb - I feel left out at school when all the skinner girls hang out . I feel left out when all the girls have boyfriends and I can’t get one because of my weight. I joined to talk to people that go through what I go through.
Reply from Breanna, Age 17 - 06/15/18  - IP#:
Hey! I’m currently at 276, kik me at Ellen_McDonald we can talk about our struggles!
Reply from Leigh, Age 13 - 05/24/18  - IP#:
I used to get left out, get all depressed because of my weight. I tried everything to lose weight but nothing worked. Now I've just given up and accepted me as I am and now I don't get left out so much. btw, I'm 310lbs
Reply from Kian, Age 13 - 05/19/18  - IP#:
I know the feeling, to be left out it sucks im also obese. My heaviest was 259
Reply from Cx, Age 17 - 05/08/18  - IP#:
Hey, going through the same stuff, and weigh around the same too :[ kik me? cax3036 if you want to talk friend :)