From allisa, Age 13 - 01/19/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
ok i looked on the polls a few weeks ago (and i am just writing this now, i know stupid huh? o well!)and it says that most people don't go on the chat room cuzz they r too busy. ok people, i have a pretty busy life and if i can manage time to go on any 1 can! most of u who i see on the bored don't even go on the chat for monday!!!!! y?? u have time to write a lil message but don't time to go to the chat and say somthing like "hey, i need help loseing weight. Can any one help me plz?" (omg that took soooooooo long!!)if u don't have time to chat, then ask to hurry. people it takes only a few minutes just for lil diet advice that could change your life for the better! i am pleeding u people to go on the chat more, mainly mondays. thank u! and have a nice day!
Reply from allisa to lara, Age 13 - 01/21/02  - IP#:
thats ok, sorry if i sounded like i am better then u or i feel sorry u or somthing like that.
Reply from Lara to allisa, Age 16 - 01/20/02  - IP#:
I'm sorry if I jumped all over you for no reason. It just seems like a bulletin board for overweight kids is kind of a strange place to meet new people. But to each his (or her) own, so you're welcome here. I'm just kind of defensive about people doing the "oh, I feel so sorry for you because you're fat, let me give some tips that once helped me lose three pounds" routine and being all superior about it. I'm sure that's not what you mean to do, though, so chat away. :-)
Reply from allisa to lara, Age 13 - 01/20/02  - IP#:
i hang around here cuzz i want to, but like on mondays i come here cuzz i get to meet people, people i know or not. i can give them advice to lose weight and make them feel better. i enjoy having people say that i have good tips and that they lost weight on it. i feel good about my self and what i have done. and the reason i want people to like reply to my tips is so i know i am not just wondering around being all useless, cuzz people don't want a useless person around them all the time. i just want to see if i made somthing important or helped any 1 lose weight or just useful or somthing. i am sorry if this bugs u, but this is me. all i want to know if any 1 cares.
Reply from Lara, Age 16 - 01/20/02  - IP#:
Allisa, I really don't understand why you hang out here so much. It kind of seems to me like you hang around feeling and acting superior to the rest of us because you aren't overweight. In any case, you really shouldn't be so pushy - if people want to reply to your diet tips, they will; if they want to follow your diet, they will; and if they want to chat, they will, without your help.
Reply from adrian, Age 13 - 01/20/02  - IP#:
god i hope your the same allisa who replyd to me. thank u. i will try your tips. i questioin? any more hints. you dont sound overweight, but now ive said this, i have a feeling that u are! if you are good luck! thatnks again.
Reply from allisa to adrian, Age 13 - 01/19/02  - IP#:
hi ummm i do have more tips i think but i can't remember them!!!!:( o well, it is late and i am sure i will remember them tomorrow! and i am not over weight. never really was, but the diet still works well! :)