From allisa, Age 13 - 03/21/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
ok i just like read a little bit of this page and i realize some people are really confused on how many colories a day they should eat. well first of all the people who say 900 colories or under are saying somthing really stupid and are creating a risk of being anerixic. you should eat ATLEAST 1000 colories a day. other wise it will slow down your matabolism and other stuff and that is not good for your body, in fact it could kill you if you continued. even if you want to do it just till you are at the weight area you want to be, chances are you will still keep doing it. you will always want to be thinner and the easiest way not to go into that is to never start eating less then 1000 colories aday. if you don't beleive me then serch on the web. if you go to and you just search some stuff i am sure you will find the right info, instead of the dead wrong. any question just reply.
Reply from Me, Age 13 - 03/22/02  - IP#: