From Ali, Age 13 - 04/10/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I'm about to enter high school and I weigh 135 pounds. I really can't stand my weight. I don't eat very healthily but recently I've been wanting to lose weight. Does anyone have ANY tips for me? I have no self control and I really want to lose weight by the time I enter high school. My abdomins are looking huge and I get really deppressed when I go shopping with my mom. I'm also really short so I never fit into anything. I'm pretty athletic but I can't stand hanging with all these perfect girls who fit in a size 2, it makes me so sad. Some of you are writing about how your weight loss programs have been going. I smiled because I'm so amazed by you. Proportion wise, I'm not doing good. So please, please, I need some tips on losing weight! Does anyone have a good diet and excersize plan that they could share with me?(I feel guilty because I'm asking for so much. So here's my tip for everyone else: Eat rice puffs for a snack if you're super hungry. They're sort of like water in a food substance and they're only 50 calories for one cup which takes a really long time. Unfourtunatly they taste HORRIBLE! I've gotten used to them, but if you can't try Quakes. Quakes are these rice chips and for 1 serving there's only seventy calories and believe me, they are DELICIOUS! Also, while eating dinner, put your fork down after taking a bite. It takes much longer to eat helping you eat less.)So... any advice?
Reply from jan, Age 14 - 04/12/02  - IP#:
i'min the same situation as you i also way about 130 -135 but i have lost about 10 lbs. heres what i did
i stuffed my fridge with grapes plums peaches, you know all the fruits i like, oh and didn't buy junk food at all. then when i got hungry between meals all i had to do was eat a fruit or two. then i would dance around in my living romm for 30 min. to 45 min(you can do it with your friends it's fun) and i lost about 10 lbs. i kow how you feel though my best friends are the same age and height but a perfect size 1 and they have great curves it annoys me some times but i don't let it get to me. keep it up you can do it, also don't try and set your goals for like 20lbs in a month try something like i'll lose 2 lbs these two weeks then two or three the next two then 1 or two then a couple the next few it helps you feel more like you've acheived your goal and it's not that hard. bye good luck
Reply from rachel, Age 14 - 04/12/02  - IP#:
maybe you could set up a reward system. my friend and i used to always eat heaps of junky crap from the canteen at school, like donuts, ice cream, you know the stuff. and it adds up to about $3/week out of our pocket money. we decided that if we dont buy a single thing from the tuckshop, the money we'd save would go towards us going to a theme park in the holidays that are coming up. it works really well, and it helps if you have a friend for encouragment. so maybe you could set up a reward system at home, like fruit for dessert, and well, whatever you want, you can make it as strict as you like, then say, you get a new piece of clothing or shoes or jewellery, or whatever takes your fancy, if you stick to that diet for however long you want to make it. it all depends on what your diet is like now. you cant expect to go from unhealthy to healthy in one day, thats why you choose the amounts of food and the time limit. good luck, keep me posted
Reply from Rebecca, Age 14 - 04/10/02  - IP#:
I know what you mean, I started high school last year and I weigh 140, true I am taller and stronger, but nevertheless I still struggle with my own weight constantly. If only I could wear ANYTHING I wanted. My advice to you is the advice I follow myself, #1, you MUST excersize to lose weight (I learned the hard way) and doing something you actually enjoy makes it so much more fun. I walk/run/dance anything. My motivation is to be able to wear the nice tight jogging clothes without my pudgy hips and side of my chest bulging out ewwwww. But anyways, #2, is when you feel you want to eat, think about your goal, is this one fatty snack going to be worth setting yourself back? and then move far away from the kitchen/food source. #3, Become health wise, learn about healthy foods, and learn to love being healthy. It all will work if you have confidence and dont give up!
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 04/10/02  - IP#:
how tall r u