From Maria, Age 14 - 06/16/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
have always been really short for my age...about half a foot shorter than all of my classmates. and up until second grade i was thin for my age also. i'll never forget the night when my mom was in my room and told me, in front of my brother, that i had been gaining weight...i remember saying "no i haven't"...and i know she didn't mean anything by it, but i'll never forget it...the next year, in third grade i was 4'7" and weight 100lbs. which is about fifteen pounds overweight. i wouldn't wear jeans, i would only wear stretch pants that weren't as uncomfortable as wearing tight fifth grade i underwent a lot of teasing for various reasons, and i didn't get any physical activity...over the summer, all i did was sit at home watching television. when sixth grade hit, i weight around 110, and i was still around 4'8"...which is twenty pounds overweight for that height...during sixth grade i was very antisocial...i remember exactly what my mother fed me...breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, bacon, and a bagel with peanut butter. lunch: a balogna sandwich with mayonnaise, and potato chips. snack: potato chips, brownie, and a glass of milk. during my brother's baseball season we would take out from mcdonald's dinner: big mac, large fries, chicken nuggets... and for dessert i would have potato chips, cookies, and ice cream. on top of this, i hid food in my room for when i was doing homework. after i'd have my snacks i would go upstairs and have a small package of brownies and pork rinds. in sixth grade i weighed my heaviest at 4'9" and 120lbs. which is over thirty pounds overweight.... over the course of the past year i have lost 20lbs. and am now at 99lbs. and 4'11".
Reply from Brit*knee, Age 13 - 07/14/02  - IP#:
Hey- I am 13 years old, and i weigh 113 lbs. and i really wanna know how u lost that weight? if u dont mind, will u e-mail me back at!~Thanxs!~
Reply from Krissy, Age 11 - 06/17/02  - IP#:
Well I am 11 and 4 foot 11 My goal weight is 90 pounds so please tell me what you did!!!
Reply from Kate, Age 14 - 06/17/02  - IP#:
Yes, can you PLEASE tell me what you did?
Reply from amanda, Age 14 - 06/16/02  - IP#:
wow how did you lose the weight please tell. can you e-mail me with tips at