From Ashli, Age 12 - 06/23/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey evry1!!!!! kk i have a like major question okk does this sound healthy to u for breakfast i had coco crispies and around 11 i had like a handfull of chips and a small thing of soda ( very small) and thenfor lunch a salad
Reply from Sara, Age 15 - 06/24/02  - IP#:
no coco crispies r fattening and so r chips and soda!!!!!!!!!!! lol try eating a low cal cereal or fruit for breakfast and if u need a snack like water or fruit juice and crackers ur lunch is fine and for dinner eat what ur mom makes if it isnt too fattening and cut it in half and try to only drink like 5 pops a week i swear it works!!!!!!! reply back! Sara