From Persona;, Age 14 - 07/19/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey yo im in need of some excersizin gettin fit n stuff....i need more upper body strength. Unfortunately ma mom wont let me lift weaights now.And i really want to gain some abs as soon and as fast as i can. I also want to get my legs stronger.. So if any of you guys have some tips pleaseeeeee reply to me...aight peace
Reply from Sam, Age 12 - 07/21/02  - IP#:
First, for the upper body strength, you might want to do push ups. They tone the muscles in the upper body. If they are hard for you, begin with having your knees on the ground to do the push-ups. Then gradually work your way up until you can do them regular. For the legs, I would suggest 3 things: Walking, Jogging, and Swimming. Those 3 will tone the leg muscles and Swimming can provide some extra excercise too. :)
Reply from Manda JH, Age 14 - 07/19/02  - IP#:
I recommend joining a swim team. It's a lot of hard work, but normally, if you aren't pigging out on junk food during the season, you lose almost 10lbs. If not more. Plus, you have to kick constintly and your arms need to pull you through the water. It's incredibly hard, but I would recommend it.