From Ana, Age 16 - 07/31/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I don't know why im even bothering to write, im so down right now. Im 16, and have been binging all week, dear god...I try and excercise 6 days a week, but sometimes I only get to do five. Since then, I haven't had my period in two months, yes...two months. My mom's worried, but the thing is, I have so much wieght to lose, like 12 lbs, and my binging is gonna add lbs, I just feel so bad.
Reply from Camille, Age 14 - 08/01/02  - IP#:
If your period stopped that means you aren't eating enough and you have gotten too thin.
Reply from manda, Age 14 - 08/01/02  - IP#:
my friend had that. You should talk to a doctor. She ended up fainting at school, cuz something was wrong with her blood, so she had to get some more blood put into her. maybe that's what's wrong with you.
Reply from Christina, Age 17 - 07/31/02  - IP#:
Is it really possible to lose ur period from binging too much? or is it just the exercising?
Reply from ~*~Court~*~, Age 14 - 07/31/02  - IP#:
Please don't give up. Tell yourself to forget about the binging... that you're going to do better from now on, from this point, that this is a new beginning in your life. Please don't feel bad about yourself, you have what it takes in you to defeat this, to lose those last lbs... it's okay if it's a struggle...the harder you fall, the higher you bounce right? I'm good to offer more support if you want, my email is I'm eating great now and I used to be like that, binging all week and worried about it...and my period skipped this month too, so if you want to talk to someone, I'm all ears. :). Please don't ever give up, you can do it!
Reply from krissy, Age 12 - 07/31/02  - IP#:
12 lbs! 12 lbs! That is nothing!!! Some of us have 2 loose like 100 lbs. You r someone that is luckier than we r. if u have any questions email me at tommygirlkk for yahoo messenger and msn krissybegood for aim