From Allisa, Age 13 - 08/03/02 - IP#: Click here to reply
just a warning to people who look at the colories before eating anything. if u look up a little higher then the colories u will see servings. it will say something like (for exaple) "servings: 1 cup" then under neath it it will say "serving size:2 cups" this means that the nutrition facts are just based on half of the exaple, instead of the full 2 cups, it will only count 1 cup of it. so if it says the colories are like 200 and u ate all the exaple, you will have actually eatin 400 colories because it was only based on half of the exaple. get it? so before eating anything look at the servings then look at the colories, u may just wanna eat half of what u are eating.