From anna, Age 15 - 09/03/02 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hi, i weigh 112 pounds but my best friend wighs 210 pounds. she is very fat and she cant even go in the locker rooms to change in to her sports kit because she is afraid everyone will laugh at her. the other children are cruel to her as they hide her clothes and towels and pull down her underpants. she hates her body and she hate wearing a bathing suit. the other girls make fun of her big breasts and flabby belly. she is very distressed and i want to tell someone about this but she keeps on making me promise not to tell anyone. if i do she will never like me again. also when i ask her to go on a healthy diet plan she refuses and gets angry at me. i dont know what to do because i cant stand seeing my best friend suffer like this and i cant betray her trust.
please help me
Reply from allisa, Age 13 - 09/03/02  - IP#:
if i was you, i would just start making them feel quilty. like say "u guys are really mean u know that? she can't help the way she looks and if u have a problem with that, fine. but don't take it out on her." and just say stuff that would make them feel quilty. they'll eventually stop, but if not, ignore your friend and tell some one that is an adult close to u or someone u can trust. like the school counsler or your parents, maybe even a big sister. i know she says she will hate u, but in the long term, the teasing might stop and she will feel better and some day thank u for it.
Reply from isadora, Age 11 - 09/03/02  - IP#:
i think you should really try to help her.if she refuses try to convince her