From Matt, Age 13 - 01/09/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
how many grams in a calorie or calorie in grams?(watever not sure which is more) and how many grams in a slice of pepperoni pizza?and does any have any good diet and exercise tips? exspecially exerciase tips PLZ GIVE ME EXERCISE TIPS!!! THANX!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 01/10/03  - IP#:
Matt, with exercise you should do anything that keeps your heart rate up for 30 -40 minutes non stop, called aeorbic exercise. This may involve walking briskly, jogging, swimming, hockey, soccer, bike riding etc. With calories, every food, weighed in grams, has an energy value which is commonly called calories. Sometimes you may see Kilojoules. To convert that to calories divide by 4.2. Carbohydrates (bread, pasta) have 4 calories per gram, protein (meat, chicken) 4 calories per gram, but fats (oil, butter) have over twice that, with 9 calories per gram! This is why its a good idea to stay away from fatty deep fried fast foods. Pizza is very high in fat (cheese and fatty peperoni) and so also very high in calories. One slice has about 250 calories, which is alot considering that a large salad only has about 80 calories!! You could have a large salad (70 cals) and a fruit (60 cals) and a piece of lean chicken (120 cals) and it would be the same 250 calories but it would fill you up heaps more right!! Good luck if you have any questions you can email me