From hannah, Age 14 - 04/16/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Tips on loosing weight
* Dont eat any starchy carb's such as bread cereal pasta rice e.t.c after 5pm
* Dont eat anythin 3 hours before you go to bed
* As a snack eat a few nuts, they fill you up and our very good for you.
* Drink **LOaDs** of water, seriously!
*Eat lots of small meals a day instead of 3 big ones.
* Do not skip meals
* Fish is very good for you, its very low in fat and high in protein.
*Aim for atleast 20 minutes exercise a day. such as walking the dog around the block.
* Don't eat more than 5 doses of fruit a day, 5 is plenty.
* Cut out fizzy drinks, or atleast cut down to one a day.
*Make your healthy food more exciting, add some low fat dressing tat you like to some salad.
******HoPe I hElPeD!! lOaDsAlUv HaNnAhXxXx******
Reply from cole, Age 26 - 09/19/04  - IP#:
hey sexy
Reply from lisa, Age 14 - 04/17/03  - IP#:
wow. great advice! Thanks im sure i will use it a bunch!
Reply from gina, Age 26 - 04/17/03  - IP#:
hi i just started this yeterday i just wanted to know if it would actually work i dont drink anything but water i eat three times a day i do taebo 8 minute workout in the morning do not eat absolutly anything after 5
Reply from charlotte, Age 16 - 04/17/03  - IP#:
if you do snack on nuts only eat a few because they are high in fat and calories, but the fat is good fat.