From cowgirldquebec, Age 16 - 04/23/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Today: 185 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 150 lb - Hey all... wow this is really embarassing... I should just get off the computer and do something interesting.. but here I am... I wanna lose weight. I'm 5'6", and I weight 185lbs, my healthy weight should be around 150lbs... but I've always been over the norm, it runs in the family, on my mom's side, her sister is HUGE, like REALLY obese, and on my dad's side, all the women have big bones, like really, like picture, i dunno... Vikings... you know REALLY thick bones... (at least I wont get osteoporosis). Then there's diabetes, my aunt(maternal), dad and grandpa (paternal) have it... I've inherited the bones... so im really strong, but im afraid on turning into a THICK boned version of my aunt... so I try to lose weight... I want to be healthy... I've tried many things... I lost 10lbs during sept and xmas... but around quebec... there's SO much fatty foods at the holidays... its GROSS... but its a tradition... so I gained it back... I dont know if I will EVER be able to catch up to what I should weigh... do you think I CAN lose weight even considering family history?
Reply from Liz, Age 18 - 04/25/03  - IP#:
Having a large frame doesnt mean you cant lose weight. Think about this, if your family were in a famine for 6 months, do you think that none of you will lose weight because of your bones? You can still lose weight, but for you, you will always have a sturdy build, and there is nothing wrong with that , that is healthy. I have a larger than normal frame and although i am jealous of my friends, you have to learn to get over it. I am also tall, and i have friends who are short and a size 8-10 and they are actually quite fat. They have a lot of fat on their body but because they are short they look small. See what i mean??? So i just think they may look small but they are really unhealthy, i mean they have more body fat than me. Then i have friends with tiny frames who are very skinny, and have you ever seen their muscles? they have none! they are very punny. And i just think well im better cause i actually have strength! Hope this has helped!!!
Reply from Sarah, Age 15 - 04/24/03  - IP#:
Hi, I just wanted to tell you that alot of women in my family are bigboned or overweight and I am like 10 pounds overweight and I allready lost some weight so If you really want to lose weight you have to work hard for it and it really doesn't matter if you have thick bones because you can still try to get a healthy weight. Hugs and kisses Sarah